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Evidence Fall 2022


The assignment is to watch the portions of the Frontline program The Plea that tell the story of Charles Gampero.

Specifically, watch these three segments:

a)   The full Prologue segment (from the start to 5:22)  [approximately 5 min]

If you look on the bottom of the video screen box you’ll see a few white dots.  If you hover over the white dots with the mouse, you’ll see text pop up.  The prologue runs from the start to the first dot (if you hover, first dot reads “Hearn, Texas.”)

b)   The full Chapter 4 segment (from 24:45 - about 38:00) [13 min]

If you look on the bottom of the video screen box you’ll see a few white dots.  If you hover over the white dots with the mouse, you’ll see text pop up.  The Chapter 4 starts at the second white dot (24:45) when you hover over it will read “Brooklyn, New York.”  Keep watching until the third dot at about 38:00 (if you hover, the third dot will read “Confronting the Plea” and it tells the story of Patsy Kelly Jarret.)

c) The last section (in Chapter 6) starts at 1:10:57. Watch until around 1:18 and then skip ahead to about 1:19 and watch until about 1:22:45   [10 min]