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The Role of the State Attorney General - Cornell Version

Statistics on Amicus Briefs filed by States in the U.S. Supreme Court, NAAG (2019)


August 2018


In Support of Cert Petitions


1995 Term





Cert Granted


[won 12 of the cases]

Cert Denied






1996 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 8 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]




1997 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 3 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 3 of the cases]




1998 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 5 of the cases]

Cert Denied



1999 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 6 cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]

2000 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 3 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]



[SG views invited]

2001 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 8 of the cases]

Cert Denied







2002 Term





Cert Granted


[won 7 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2003 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 6 of the cases]

Cert Denied






2004 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 8 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 1 of the cases]

2005 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]



[SG views invited in 1 of the cases]

2006 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases]

Cert Denied








[SG views invited]

2007 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 8 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2008 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2009 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 5 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2010 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]


2011 Term





Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2012 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 7 of the cases; 2 were dismissed]

Cert Denied



2013 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 2 of the cases]

Cert Denied



2014 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 3 of the cases; 3 are pending]

Cert Denied






2015 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 8 of the cases; 1 was 4-4]

Cert Denied


[SG views invited in 1 of the cases]




2016 Term Total




Cert Granted


[won 4 of the cases; 1 pending]

Cert Denied








[filed in support of cross-petition; underlying petition denied]

2017 Term Total




Cert Granted



Cert Denied








[SG views invited in 2 of the cases]


Cert-stage success



12 of 20



9 of 18



6 of 18



8 of 18



9 of 24



3 of 11



9 of 23



11 of 17



8 of 18



9 of 20



5 of 17



5 of 15



10 of 16



5 of 12



5 of 8



6 of 10



7 of 16



12 of 26



4 of 21



10 of 19



9 of 27



6 of 19



8 of 27

30% [4 pending; 2 were CVSGs]


Total: 174 of 415 42%

Total (if CVSGs count as success): 191 of 415 46%



[note on methodology: GVR or held cases not counted]

[note on methodology: Cases are assigned a Term based on the case number only – e.g., a case with the number 08-xxx is deemed to be in the 2008 Term regardless of when the Court acted on the cert petition, or heard argument and issued its opinion in the case.]



1996 Term total: briefs filed in 31 cases [out of 84 cases argued] 1997 Term total: briefs filed in 32 cases [out of 93 cases argued] 1998 Term total: briefs filed in 24 cases [out of 80 cases argued] 1999 Term total: briefs filed in 37 cases [out of 77 cases argued] 2000 Term total: briefs filed in 34 cases [out of 79 cases argued] 2001 Term total: briefs filed in 30 cases [out of 78 cases argued] 2002 Term total: briefs filed in 36 cases [out of 76 cases argued] 2003 Term total: briefs filed in 26 cases [out of 74 cases argued] 2004 Term total: briefs filed in 31 cases [out of 75 cases argued] 2005 Term total: briefs filed in 36 cases [out of 75 cases argued] 2006 Term total: briefs filed in 33 cases [out of 69 cases argued] 2007 Term total: briefs filed in 25 cases [out of 67 cases argued] 2008 Term total: briefs filed in 29 cases [out of 78 cases argued] 2009 Term total: briefs filed in 28 cases [out of 77 cases argued] 2010 Term total: briefs filed in 30 cases [out of 78 cases argued] 2011 Term total: briefs filed in 27 cases [out of 68 cases argued] 2012 Term total: briefs filed in 30 cases [out of 75 cases argued] 2012 Term total: briefs filed in 29 cases [out of 70 cases argued] 2013 Term total: briefs filed in 29 cases [out of 70 cases argued] 2014 Term total: briefs filed in 24 cases [out of 67 cases argued] 2015 Term total: briefs filed in 25 cases [out of 69 cases argued] 2016 Term total: briefs filed in 20 cases [out of 64 cases argued] 2017 Term total: briefs filed in 30 cases [out of 63 cases argued]



Total:                           briefs filed in 588 cases [out of 1492 cases argued]



1995 Term Cases


Cert Granted (12)


Ohio v. Robinette, 95-891

California Division of Labor v. Dillingham Construction, 95-789 Bennett v. Spear, 95-813

Glickman v. Wileman Brothers, 95-1184 Kansas v. Hendricks, 95-1649

Maryland v. Wilson, 95-1268 Blessing v. Freestone, 95-1441 Quill v. Vacco, 95-1858

City of Boerne v. Flores, 95-2074

DeBuono v. NYSA-ILA Medical Services, 95-1594

Arkansas v. Farm Credit Services of Central Arkansas, 95-1918 Leavitt v. Jane L., 95-1242 (June 13, 1996)


Cert Denied (8)


Bair v. Burlington Northern RR Co., 95-855 (February 20, 1996)

Meyer v. National Solid Wastes Management Ass’n, 95-1079 (April 1, 1996) McClaran v. Davis, 95-1190 (April 1, 1996)

Chiles v. United States, 95-1249 (May 13, 1996)

New Mexico Dep’t of Human Services v. Joseph A., 95-1474 (May 13, 1996) Parravano v. Babbitt, 95-1311 (June 24, 1996)

Nixon v. Carver, 95-1258 (July 1, 1996)

Texas v. Hopwood, 95-1773 (July 1, 1996)


GVR (1)


Fierro v. Gomez, 95-1830 (October 15, 1996)



Cert Granted (9)


California v. Deep Sea Research, 96-1400 South Dakota v. Yankton Sioux Tribe, 96-1581 County of Sacramento v. Lewis, 96-1337

Ohio Adult Parole Authority v. Woodard, 96-1769 Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie, 96-1577 Hopkins v. Reeves, 96-1693

Montana v. Crow Tribe, 96-1829 Lambert v. Wickland, 96-858 Mazurek v. Armstrong, 96-1104


Cert Denied (9)


Cal. Franchise Tax Board v. MacFarlane, 96-235 (March 17, 1997) [SG views invited 10/10/96]

Florida Dep’t of Revenue v. Share International, Inc., 96-647 (January 3, 1997) Arkansas v. Donovan, 96-919 (denied on February 24, 1997)

Missouri v. Futo, 96-1259 (March 24, 1997)

Kamilewicz v. Bank of Boston Corp., 96-1184 (April 28, 1997) Leavitt v. Jane L., 96-1481 (June 16, 1997)

Maryland Dep’t of Education v. U.S. Dep’t of Veterans Affairs, 96-1550 (October 6, 1997) Morris v. Wright, 96-1811 (October 6, 1997)

Belshe v. Orthopaedic Hospital, 96-1742 (January 12, 1998) [SG views invited June 27, 1997]


GVR (1)


Giuliani v. Yourman, 96-152 (February 24, 1997)


1997 Term Cases


Cert Granted (5)


Cass County v. Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, 97-174 Stewart v. Martinez-Villareal, 97-300

Pennsylvania Board of Probation v. Scott, 97-581 Pennsylvania Dep’t of Corrections v. Yeskey, 97-634 City of Chicago v. Morales, 97-1121

New Mexico ex rel. Ortiz v. Reed, 97-1217 Cert Denied (12)

Larsen v. American Medical Society, 97-218 (June 22, 1998) [SG views invited 11/10/97] Schuykill v. Pennsylvania Power and Lighting, 97-387 (November 10, 1997)

North Carolina v. FERC, 97-836 (February 23, 1998)

Premo v. Martin, 97-641 (March 2, 1998)

Voinovich v. Women’s Medical Professional Corp., 97-934 (March 23, 1998) Schultz v. U.S. Dep’t of the Army, 97-1117 (April 20, 1998)

Pinal Creek v. Newmont Mining Corp., 97-795 (June 22, 1998) [SG views invited 2/23/ 98] Blumenthal v. Philip Morris, 97-1399 (June 22, 1998)

West v. Lynn, 97-1892 (October 5, 1998)

Montana v. EPA, 97-1929 (October 5, 1998)

Colorado v. Romero, 97-1688 (October 13, 1998)

Coates v. Strahan, 97-1485 (November 2, 1998) [SG views invited May 18, 1998]


GVR (1)


Doherty v. Pennington, 97-58 (October 14, 1997)


1998 Term Cases


Cert Granted (8)


Anderson v. Roe, 98-97

Casey v. Blissett, 98-527 [cert granted in related case of Johnson v. Hadix] Olmstead v. L.C. and E.W., 98-536

Florida Prepaid v. College Savings Bank, 98-531

Board of Regents of State of Tennessee v. Coger, 98-821 [cert granted in related case of Kimel] FDA v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., 98-1152

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources v. U.S. ex rel. Stevens, 98-1828 Edwards v. Carpenter, 98-2060


Cert Denied (10)


North Carolina v. Jackson, 98-203 (October 13, 1998)

Wyoming v. Straight, 98-418   (November 9, 1998)

Cincinnati v. Kruse, 98-454   (November 16, 1998)

Anne Arundel County v. West, 98-266 (December 7, 1998)

Hannigan v. Stansbury, 98-367 (November 14, 1998)

Marshall v. Suster, 98-737 (January 19, 1999)

State Board of Equalization v. Southern Pacific Transp. Co., 98-584 (January 18, 2000) Kansas v. Brandau, 98-1705 (May 24, 1999)

Washington v. United States, 98-1026 (April 5, 1999)

Maryland and City Council of Baltimore v. One 1995 Corvette, 98-1886 (October 12, 1999)



Cert Granted (9)


Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 99-62 Natsios v. National Foreign Trade Council, 99-474 United States v. Morrison, 99-5

Stenberg v. Carhart, 99-830 Seling v. Young, 99-1185 Texas v. Cobb, 99-1702

Director of Revenue v. CoBank, 99-1792

The Good News Club v. Milford Central School, 99-2036

Garcia v. Jones, 99-1730 [cert granted in related case Booth v. Churner] Cert Denied (15)

Hatch v. Minnesota Twins Partnership, 99-414 (November 15, 1999)

Topinka v. Commonwealth Edison Co., 99-102 (October 4, 1999)

Virginia v. Collins, 99-380   (January 10, 2000)

New York v. Seneca Nation of Indians, 99-269 (January 10, 2000) Stewart v. Wallace, 99-689 (January 10, 2000)

Hill v. Rumbles, 99-537 (January 10, 2000)

Pennsylvania Dep’t of Corrections v. Nigro, 99-663 (January 10, 2000) Pennsylvania v. Chmiel, 99-826 (January 18, 2000)

Arkansas v. Farm Credit Services of Central Arkansas, 99-993 (March 27, 2000) Hull v. Fallon, 99-1083 (February 28, 2000)

Kansas State University v. Innes, 99-1048 (March 37, 2000)

Mack v. Paris, 99-1184 (May 1, 2000)

Foster v. Bank One, 99-1294 (April 24, 2000)

Hahnaman Albrecht, Inc. v. Potash Corp., 99-1844 (October 2, 2000)

Columbus America Discovery Group v. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., 99-1935 (October 2, 2000)



Cert granted (3)


Atkinson Trading Co. v. Shirley, 00-454 Kansas v. Crane, 00-957

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, 00-1751 Cert denied (8)

Johnson v. J.C. Penney, 00-205 (October 10, 2000)

Bagley v. Combs, 00-312 (December 12, 2000)

Yarnell v. Cuffley, 00-289 (March 5, 2001) [SG views invited] Pierce v. Sac & Fox Indian Nation, 00-566 (February 20, 2001)

Atlantic Richfield v. Union Oil Co., 00-249 (February 20, 2001) [SG views invited] Cayetano v. Chevron, 00-1198 (March 26, 2001)

City of Elkart v. Books, 00-1407  (May 29, 2001)

Mehler v. Terminix, 00-1564 (June 11, 2001)


GVR/Held (1)


Montemayor v. Corporate Health Ins., 00-665 [SG views invited] [held for Rush Prudential]



Cert granted (9)


City of Columbus v. Ours Garage and Wrecker Service, 01-419 Smith v. Doe, 01-729

Scheidler v. NOW, 01-1118

Connecticut Department of Public Safety v. Poe, 01-1231 Washington State Dept. of SHS v. Keffeler, 01-1240 Nevada Dep’t of Human Resources v. Hibbs, 01-1368 Virginia v. Black, 01-1107

Pierce County v. Guillen, 01-1229

Ryan v. Telemarketing Associates, 01-1806 Cert denied (14)

Nebraska v. Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Comm’n, 01-87 (Oct. 1, 2001) California v. Shulman, 01-128 (Oct. 29, 2001)

Rylander v. Dow Chemical Co., 01-442 (Oct. 29, 2001)

Wilkinson v. Flagner, 01-324 (Dec. 10, 2001)

Vernon v. Gomez, 01-606 (Dec. 10, 2001)

Building Industry Ass’n of Superior California v. Norton, 01-620 (Jan. 14, 2002) Iowa v. Anthony, 01-790 (Feb. 17, 2002)

O’Bannon v. ICLU, 01-966 (Feb. 25, 2002)

Wisconsin v. EPA, 01-1247 (June 3, 2002)

Atwood v. Burlington Northern RR, 01-1617 (June 28, 2002) Court of Common Pleas v. Popovich, 01-1503 (Oct. 7, 2002)

Puerto Rico v. Arecibo Community Health Care, 01-1545 (Oct. 7, 2002) California Interscholastic Federation v. Barrios, 01-1763 (Oct. 7, 2002)

Maryland v. Drury, 01-1774 (Oct. 7, 2002)


GVR (1)


Face v. NHEMA, 01-1827 (GVR’ed on October 7, 2002)



Cert granted (11)


Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt, 02-42 Grutter v. Bollinger, 02-241

Overton v. Bazzetta, 02-94

Inyo County v. Paiute-Shoshone Indians, 02-281 Alaska v. EPA, 02-658

Maryland v. Pringle, 02-809 Illinois v. Lidster, 02-1060 Baldwin v. Reese, 02-964 TSAC v. Hood, 02-1606

Hibbs v. Winn, 02-1809

Elk Grove School Dist. v. Newdow, 02-1624 Cert denied (6)

Moore v. Chamber of Commerce, 02-305 (Nov. 14, 2002)

Golightly v. Montoya, 02-796 (Jan. 13, 2003)

Building and Construction Trades Dep’t, AFL-CIO v. Allbaugh, 02-527 (Jan. 27, 2003) Russ v. Adland, 02-1241 (April 28, 2003)

Corporation of the Presiding Bishop v. First Unitarian Church, 02-1350 (June 23, 2003) Alameida v. Mayweathers, 02-1655 (Oct. 6, 2003)




Cert Granted (8)


Schiro v. Summerlin, 03-526 Wilkinson v. Dotson, 03-287

Devenpeck v. Alford, 03-710    [California-only amicus brief] Granholm v. Heald, 03-1116

Veneman v. Livestock Marketing, 03-1164

City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams, 03-1601 Van Orden v. Perry, 03-1500

Brosseau v. Haugen, 03-1261 Cert Denied (10)

Infineon Tech. v. Rambus, 03-37 (Oct. 6, 2003)

Arizona v. Pandeli (Oct. 14, 2003)

Davis v. Judy, 03-608 (Dec. 8, 2003) Dodge v. Cotter Corp. (Nov. 10, 2003)

Rancho Viejo v. Norton, 03-761 (March 1, 2004)

Ashcroft v. Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma, 03-740 (March 1, 2004) Boy Scouts of America v. Wyman, 03-956 (March 8, 2004)

Bunting v. Mellen, 03-863 (April 26, 2004)

Nelson v. S.D. Farm Bureau, 03-1111 (May 3, 2004)

South Dakota Dep’t of Revenue v. Pourier, 03-1401 (May 24, 2004) GVR or Held (2)

GDF Realty Investments v. Norton, 03-1619 [Held in light of Ashcroft v. Raich] Foubert v. Lyons, 03-1622 [GVRed in light of Brosseau v. Haugen]




Cert Granted (9)


Lingle v. Chevron USA, Inc., 04-163 MGM, Inc. v. Grokster, 04-480 Shaffer v. Weast, 04-698

Richards v. Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, 04-631 Central Virginia Community College v. Katz, 04-885 Scheidler v. NOW, 04-1244

Vermont Republican State Committee v. Sorrell, 04-1528 Wilkins v. Cuno, 04-1724

Schriro v. Smith, 04-1475 Cert Denied (11)

City of Albuquerque v. Homans, 04-413 (Nov. 29, 2004)

Rahn v. Robb, 04-629 (Jan. 10, 2005)

Hammond v. Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 04-624 (Feb. 28, 2005)

McBride v. Ortiz, 04-668 (Feb. 28, 2005)

California v. Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc., 04-1028 (April 18, 2005)

Baltimore City Dep’t of Social Services v. Teresa B., 04-1054 (May 16, 2005) Montana v. Anyan, 04-1318 (June 6, 2005)

Cooper v. United States, 04-1507/1508 (June 27, 2005)

PUD No. 1 v. Dynegy Power Marketing, 04-621 (June 27, 2005) [SG views invited] Maine v. Patterson, 04-1491 (Oct. 3, 2005)

N.J. Dep’t of Labor v. Reconstituted Committee, 04-1487 (Oct. 3, 2005)



Granted (5)


Brigham County v. Stuart, 05-502 Woodford v. Ngo, 05-416 Gonzales v. Carhart, 05-380

Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy, 05-848 Watters v. Wachovia Bank, 05-1342


Cert Denied (12)


Beretta USA v. D.C., 05-118 (Oct. 3, 2005)

Peabody Western Coal Co. v. EEOC, 05-353 (Jan. 23, 2006) Dmick v. Republican Party of Minnesota, 05-566 (Jan. 23, 2006)

FTC v. Schering-Plough Corp., 05-273     [SG views invited on October 31, 2005] Gregory v. Lee, 05-344 (Feb. 27, 2006)

North Dakota v. Army Corps of Engineers, 05-628 (March 20, 2006) North Dakota v. Army Corp of Engineers, 05-611 (April 24, 2006) Drogin v. Lee, 05-969 (June 5, 2006)

Blackletter v. Tarabochia, 05-1061 (May 30, 2006)

Minnesota v. Allen, 05-1078 (April 24, 2006)

Utah v. Shivwits Band of Paiute Indians, 05-1160 (Oct. 2, 2006)

Hatch v. Cellco Partnership, 05-1159 [SG views invited on June 12, 2006] GVR (1)

Lingle v. Arakaki, 05-988 [GVR’ed on June 12, 2006]


Held (1)


Burke v. Wachovia Bank, 05-431      [SG views invited on December 5, 2005]

[Held in light of Watters v. Wachovia Nat’l Bank]




Granted (5)


Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., 06-157 Rowe v. N.H. Motor Transport Ass’n, 06-457

Virginia v. Moore, 06-1082

Kentucky Retirement Systems v. EEOC, 06-1037 Allen v. Siebert, 06-1680


Denied (10)


Tilton v. Remeidio, 06-167 (Oct. 10, 2006)

Anderson v. Town of Durham, 06-132 (Dec. 4, 2006)

Montana Board of Investments v. Deutsche Bank Securities, Inc., 06-291 (Dec. 11, 2006) Lundeen v. Canadian Pacific Railway, 06-528 (Jan. 22, 2007)

University of Puerto Rico v. Toledo, 06-779 (March 19, 2007) Belleque v. Kephart, 06-1015 (March 26, 2007)

Michigan High School Athletic Ass’n v. Communities for Equity, 06-1038 (April 2, 2007) Gale v. Jones, 06-1045 (April 2, 2007)

Texas v. Meyers, 06-462 (April 30, 2007)

Idaho v. Estrada, 06-1410 (Oct. 1, 2007)


GVR (1)


University of Notre Dame v. Laskowski, 06-582 [GVR’ed on June 29, 2007] Dismissed (1)

Selig v. Pediatric Specialty Care, 06-415 [SG views invited on February 20, 2007]




Granted (10)


District of Columbia v. Heller, 07-290 Indiana v. Edwards, 07-208

Florida Dep’t of Revenue v. Piccadilly Cafeterias, 07-312 Pacific Bell v. Linkline Communications, 07-512 Carcieri v. Kempthorne, 07-526

Pleasant Grove v. Summum, 07-665 Bartlett v. Strickland, 07-689

Utility Water Group v. Riverkeeper, Inc., 07-597 Kansas v. Ventris, 07-1356

Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 07-1372 Denied (6)

Maryland v. Paulino, 07-284 (Dec. 3, 2007)

Jennings v. Jones, 07-654 (Jan. 22, 2008)

Phelps v. Stevenson, 07-575 (Feb. 19, 2008)

Iowa v. Bentley, 07-886  (March 17, 2008)

Smith v. Al-Amin, 07-1485  (Oct. 6, 2008)

Wilcox v. United States ex rel. Stoner, 07-1336 (Oct. 6, 2008)




Granted (5)


Cuomo v. Clearing House Ass’n, 08-453

Graham County Soil & Water Dist. v. U.S. ex rel. Wilson, 08-304    [CVSG’ed on 12/8/08] United Student Aid Funds v. Espinosa, 08-1134

Berghuis v. Smith, 08-1402

McDonald v. City of Chicago, 08-1521



Denied (7)


Beard v. Hannon, 08-326 (Dec. 8, 2008)

Alabama v. Pope, 08-345  (Dec. 15, 2008)

Brewer v. Nader, 08-648  (March 6, 2009)

Virginia v. Jaynes, 08-765 (March 30, 2009)

Kight v. Turner, 08-849 (April 20, 2009)

Broad v. Weigel, 08-1128 (May 28, 2009)

Zurich American Ins. Co. v. Lexington Coal Co., 08-1254 (June 29, 2009)




Granted (5)


Levin v. Commerce Energy, Inc., 09-223 Garriott v. Winn, 09-991

Kentucky v. King, 09-1272 Camreta v. Green, 09-1454

Maxwell-Jolly v. Independent Living Center, 09-958



Denied (3)


Haskell County Bd. of Comm’rs v. Green, 09-531 (March 1, 2010) John J. Kane Regional Centers v. Grammer, 09-696 (Feb. 22, 2010) Mills v. Midwest Title Loans, Inc., 09-1325 (Oct. 4, 2010)



Granted (6)


Madison County v. Oneida Indian Nation, 10-72 American Elec. Power Co. v. Connecticut, 10-174 Lafler v. Cooper, 10-209

Missouri v. Frye, 10-444

Howe v. Fields, 10-680 [amicus brief filed in support of petition raising identical issue, Sheets

v. Simpson, 10-458] Ryan v. Gonzales, 10-930



Denied (4)


Friends of the Everglades v. South Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., 10-196, 10-252 (Nov. 29, 2010) Louisiana Wholesale Drug Co. v. Bayer AG, 10-762 (March 7, 2011)

Aquino v. Suiza Dairy, Inc., 10-74 (May 16, 2011) [SG views invited on 10/12/10] Davenport v. American Atheists, Inc., 10-1297 (Oct. 31, 2011)



Settled (1)


North Carolina v. TVA, 10-977



Granted (7)


Arizona v. United States, 11-182 Reichle v. Howards, 11-262 Decker v. NEDC, 11-338 Florida v. Jardines, 11-564

Arkansas Game & Fish Comm’n v. United States, 11-597 Florida v. Harris, 11-817

Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann, 11-889



Denied (9)


Forsyth County v. Joyner, 11-546 (Jan. 16, 2012)

Warner v. Ocampo, 11-614 (June 29, 2012)

Alabama v. Lane, 11-627 (Jan. 23, 2012)

King v. Kansas Judicial Watch, 11-829 (March 5, 2012)

Mount Soledad Memorial Ass’n v. Trunk, 11-998 (June 25, 2012) Micci v. Aleman, 11-1062 (June 25, 2012)

Virginia v. Banks, 11-1071 (April 30, 2012)

American Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Bullock, 11-1179 (June , 2012) Wyoming v. U.S. Dep’t of Agriculture, 11-1378



Granted (12)


Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, 12-71 Shelby County v. Holder, 12-96

McQuiggin v. Perkins, 12-126

Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group v. Gill, 12-13 [cert granted on same issue in United States v.

Windsor, 12-307] Hollingsworth v. Perry, 12-144 Burt v. Titlow, 12-414

FTC v. Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 12-416 Metrish v. Lancaster, 12-547

Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, 12-682 Nevada v. Jackson, 12-694

Town of Greece v. Galloway, 12-696 Madigan v. Levin, 12-872


Denied (14)


Thaler v. McGowan, 12-82 (Nov. 26, 2012)

Chafee v. United States, 12-223 (Jan. 14, 2013) Wolfenbarger v. Foster, 12-420

Alexander v. Lewis, 12-470 (Jan. 14, 2013)

Brown v. Henley, 12-532 (Jan. 7, 2013) Cassens Transport Co. v. Brown, 12-622 Butts v. Hall, 12-813

Kachalsky v. Cacaces, 12-845 Alabama v. United States, 12-884 Arnone v. Ebron, 12-924

Director of Department of Revenue of Montana v. U.S. Dep't of Treasury, 12-926 Indiana Family & Social Services Administration v. Bontrager, 12-1037 Secretary of the Indiana FSSA v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana, Inc., 12-1039 Big Sky Colony, Inc. v. Montana Department of Labor & Industry, 12-1191 Luminent Generation v. EPA, 12, 1484



Held (2)


Brewer v. Diaz, 12-23

Elmbrook School District v. Doe, 12-755



Granted (4)


Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius, 13-356 Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 13-354

N.C. State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC, 13-534 Ohio v. Clark, 13-1352



Denied (17)


National Rifle Association v. ATF, 13-137 Judd v. Libertarian Party of Virginia, 13-321 Dzurenda v. Gonzalez, 13-204

Horne v. Isaacson, 13-402 Alaska v. Jewell, 13-562

Elane Photography v. Willock, 13-585 Mingo Logan v. EPA, 13-599

Montana Shooting Sports Ass'n v. Holder, 13-634 Drake v. Jerejian, 13-827

Scott v. AFSCME, 13-841

Campbell v. Kovacic, 13-933 North Dakota v. EPA, 13-940

Mount Soledad Memorial Association v. Trunk, 13-1061 Rocky Mountain Farmers Union v. Corey, 13-1148

Association des Eleveurs de Canards et D’Oies du Quebec v. Harris, 13-1313 Nebraska v. Mantich, 13-1348

Kalamazoo County Road Commission v. Deleon, 13-1516



Granted (10)


Glebe v. Frost, 14-95 King v. Burwell, 14-114

Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co., 14-181 Sturgeon v. Masica, 14-1209 (Alaska only) Carroll v. Carman, 14-212

Horne v. Dep’t of Agriculture, 14-275 (Texas only) Friedrichs v. California Teachers Ass’n, 14-915 Franchise Tax Board of California v. Hyatt, 14-1175 Utah v. Strieff, 14-1373

Hughes v. PPL EnergyPlus, LLC, 14-614; Denied (9)

Herbert v. Kitchen, 14-124 Colorado v. Schaufele, 14-266

Humble v. Planned Parenthood, 14-284 State Water Contractors v. Jewell, 14-402 Oklahoma ex rel. Pruitt v. Burwell, 14-586 Jackson v. City of San Francisco, 14-704 Holbrook v. Woods, 14-931

Arizona v. Ashton Co., 14-1019

Nevada v. Superior Court of California, 14-1073



Held/GVR (2)


Hickenlooper v. Kerr, 14-460 [GVR] Fiordaliso v. PPL EnergyPlus, 14-694 [Held]



Granted (9)


Houston Baptist Univ. v. Burwell, 15-35; Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell, 15-105 Whole Woman's Health v. Cole, 15-274

Sheriff v. Gillie, 15-338 Ross v. Blake, 15-339

Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley, 15-577 Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corp., 15-649 United States v. Texas, 15-674

Johnson v. Lee, 15-789

District of Columbia v. Wesby, 15-1485



Denied (18)


Friedman v. Highland Park, Illinois, 15-133 Center for Competitive Politics v. Harris, 15-152 Gentry v. Rudin, 15-324

American Farm Bureau Federation v. EPA, 15-599 Stormans, Inc. v. Wiesman, 15-682

Home Care Ass’n of America v. Weil, 15-683 Ohio v. Sierra Club, 15-684

New Jersey v. Maltese, 15-772 Baynes v. Cleland, 15-852

United Student Aid Fund v. Bible, 15-861

International Franchise Ass’n v. City of Seattle, 15-958

Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Tribal Government v. NLRB, 15-1024 [and Soaring Eagle Casino v. NLRB, 15-1034]

Michigan v. EPA, 15-1152

DeJoria v. Maghreb Petroleum Exploration, S.A., 15-1033

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency v. Pele, 15-1044 [CVSG on 5/16/16] [and PHEAA v. U.S. ex rel. Oberg, 15-1045]

Ryan v. McKinney, 15-1222

Building Industry Ass’n v. Department of Commerce, 15-1350

Gillette Co. v. Franchise Tax Board of California, 15-1442 (Ohio only)



GVR or Held (2)


Nevada v. Torres, 15-5 (held)

Colorado State Bd. of Ed. v. Taxpayers for Public Ed., 15-558 (held)



Granted (6)


California Public Employees’ Retirement System v. Moody Investors Services, Inc., 16-373 Christie v. NCAA, 16-476

Husted v. Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute, 16-980

Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, 16-1466 Washington State Department of Licensing v. Cougar Den, Inc., 16-1498

Gill v. Whitford, 16-1611



Denied (13)


Jane Doe No. 1 v., LLC, 16-276 Abbott v. Veasey, 16-393

Bennie v. Munn, 16-452 Alaska v. Zinke, 16-596 Binno v. ABA, 16-796

Sterling v. United States, 16-814 Connecticut v. Dickson, 16-866 Peruta v. San Diego County, 16-894 Filson v. Tarango, 16-1000

Florida Department of Revenue v. Gonzalez, 16-1013 Brewer v. Arizona Dream Act, 16-1180 [CVSG] New Jersey v. Zuber, 16-1496

Robinson v. United States, 16-1532





Brohl v. Direct Marketing Association, 16-458 [supporting conditional cross-petition; petition was denied, making the conditional cross-petition irrelevant]




Granted (8)


United States v. Microsoft, 17-2

Weyerhaeuser Co. v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 17-71; 17-74 Washington v. United States, 17-269

South Dakota v. Wayfair, 17-494 Abbott v. Perez, 17-626

Sturgeon v. Frost, 17-949 (Alaska only) Frank v. Gaos, 17-961

Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. v. Hyatt, 17-1299



Denied (19)


Glisson v. D.O., 17-17

Coachella Valley Water Dist. v. Agua Caliente Band, 17-40; 17-42 City of Bloomfield v. Felix, 17-60

Alaska v. Ross, 17-118 Kolbe v. Hogan, 17-127

Great Plains Lending, LLC v. CFPB, 17-184

Garco Construction, Inc. v. Secretary of the Army, 17-225 Evans v. Georgia Regional Hospital, 17-370

Byrd v. Budder, 17-405

Window Rock Unified School Dist. v. Reeves, 17-447

People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 17-465 March v. Mills, 17-689

Louisiana Dep’t of Corrections v. Ware, 17-930 Wyoming v. Sam, 17-952

U.S. Dep’t of Homeland Security v. Regents of Univ. of Calif., 17-1003 Colorado v. Fuentes-Espinoza, 17-1084

Connecticut v. Torres, 17-1112

Sierra Pacific Industries v. United States, 17-1153 Ryan v. Poyson, 17-1274




Kansas v. Garcia, 17-834 [CVSG]

Association des Eleveurs de Canards et d’Oies du Quebec v. Becerra, 17-1285 [CVSG] Scarnati v. Agre, 17-1368

California Sea Urchin Comm'n v. Combs, 17-1636



Nevada Department of Wildlife v. Smith, 17-1348













Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, 18-12 Kiser v. Wilkie, 18-15


Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Comm’n v. American Humanist Ass’n, 18-18

Statistics on Amicus Briefs filed by States in the U.S. Supreme Court, NAAG (2019) (Links to an external site.)