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The Appeal Podcast: Justice in America-What Justice Could Look Like – Optional Listening

This podcast gives an in-depth analysis of the methods of restorative justice that are currently being used in schools, and how restroative justice can work to repair the relationship between the criminal justice system and society.

"And the aim of the criminal justice system is not repair. Its job is punishment, in some ways its job is containment but its job isn’t repair. I’ve said at times it’s as though what the criminal justice system can do is if someone burned down your house it can burn down their house but it can’t rebuild yours. The aim of restorative justice is to do some of that labor of rebuilding and to put the responsibility of some of that rebuilding on precisely the person who caused the harm. At its core, restorative justice believes that the harm to people matters fundamentally, that it is about harm within a relationship, not just broken rules and that that harm within a relationship requires repair." - Danielle Sered, the Executive Director of Common Justice and author of a new book called Until We Reckon (audio clip quote from the podcast).

-Alexa Binkowitz