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Class 2: Friday 1/31 - Introduction to the Civil Law System
Reading(s): [These readings are all from James Gordley & Arthur von Mehren, An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law: Readings, Cases, Materials (2006)] FW Maitland, The Writ System John Dawson, The Oracles of the Law (Roman Law) Peter Stein, Roman Law in European History 25-33 required, 33-44 OPTIONAL James Gordley & Arthur Von Mehren, An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Private Law, Note: Roman law after the medieval commentators Arthur von Mehren & James Gordley, The Civil Law System (codification) Portalis, Discours preliminaire Charles Aubrey & Charles Rau, Cours de droit civil Friedrich Karl von Savigny, The Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence Von Mehren & Gordley, The enactment of the German Civil Code Motive zu dem Entwurfe Gordley & von Mehren, A note on codification and 19th century will theories
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