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Class Twenty: Friday, April 17, 2015
We will begin today's class with a discussion of Tai's draft briefing paper on A Two-Tiered Defense Budget (April 15, 2015). Next, we will take up a selection of readings regarding on-going litigation related to the funding of the Distric of Columbia. The selection is long -- over 200 pages -- and is probably best read on-line. An introductory note offers some guidance on which elements of the readings to focus. In addition -- and entirely by way of background -- an excerpt on revolving funds from the GAO Principles of Appropriations Law is also included.
This book, and all H2O books, are Creative Commons licensed for sharing and re-use with the exception of certain excerpts. Any excerpts from the Restatements of the Law, Principles of the Law, and the Model Penal Code are copyright by The American Law Institute. Excerpts are reproduced with permission, not as part of a Creative Commons license.