Main Content
Content from the following sources has been used in the creation of this casebook:
New York Domestic Relations Law Spring 2021
(First published Jan 2021)Authors:
Including material from the following sections:
- 1: Section 1 - And so we begin
- 2: Section 2 - Getting Married, Getting Divorced
- 3: Section 3 - Finding the Appropriate Venue
- 4: Section 4 - Equitable Distribution of Property
- 5: Section 5 - Maintenance (Alimony)
- 6: Section 6 - Becoming a Parent (Part 1)
- 7: Section 7 - Parenting Plans, Custody, Visitation
- 8: Section 8 - Child Support
- 9: Section 9 - Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Abuse
- 10: Section 10 - Child Welfare Proceedings
- 11: Section 11 - Becoming a Parent (Part 2)
- 12: Section 12 - Adoption
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