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Here are the cases and other authorities for the 2022 class in State Constitutional Law.
I have "elided" or minimized the portions of the cases that you do not have to read. If you have a special interest in reading any elided section, you need only click on the elipsis (...) and the section will reappear.
I have included the footnotes for the assigned portions of the cases or, in many situations, for the entire opinion. However, you do not have to read these footnotes unless I specifically assign or mention one or more of them in class or in the notes I have put in the margin of the case. You are, of course, welcome to read any of the footnotes if you have a special interest or if it will help you understand the text.
I hope you enjoy learning about the Connecticut Constitution, especially because we are here in the Constitution State.
This book, and all H2O books, are Creative Commons licensed for sharing and re-use with the exception of certain excerpts. Any excerpts from the Restatements of the Law, Principles of the Law, and the Model Penal Code are copyright by The American Law Institute. Excerpts are reproduced with permission, not as part of a Creative Commons license.