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State Constitutional Law: The Connecticut Constitution
First published Feb 2022 and updated Nov 2022

Here are the cases and other authorities for the 2022 class in State Constitutional Law.

I have "elided" or minimized the portions of the cases that you do not have to read.  If you have a special interest in reading any elided section, you need only click on the elipsis (...) and the section will reappear. 

I have included the footnotes for the assigned portions of the cases or, in many situations, for the entire opinion.  However, you do not have to read these footnotes unless I specifically assign or mention one or more of them in class or in the notes I have put in the margin of the case. You are, of course, welcome to read any of the footnotes if you have a special interest or if it will help you understand the text. 

I hope you enjoy learning about the Connecticut Constitution, especially because we are here in the Constitution State.