7 Multistate Advocacy: February 28, 2022 7 Multistate Advocacy: February 28, 2022
The integration of our economy and the rise of technology has made it essential for attorneys general to work cooperatively across state lines if they are to engage in the traditional affirmative enforcement of state laws covering matters such as consumer protection, antitrust, charities, medicaid fraud and illegal internet related. activity Over the last thirty years AG offices have developed protocols for such cooperation and this section explores that process.
7.1. Guest Speaker - February 28, 2022 - Prof. Paul Nolette, Marquette University
7.2. Multistate Consumer Actions and Settlements, Website of Prof. Paul Nolette, Marquette University
The best resource for tracking multistate cases is the State Litigation and AG Activity Database, a website maintained by Marquette Political Science Professor Paul Nolette. Prof. Nolette works closely with NAAG and the site is easily searchable and provides up-to-date information not found anywhere else.
This data base is augmented for past cases by The State Center Consumer Protection Report, a newsletter and website maintained by The Center for State Enforcement of Antitrust and Consumer Protection Laws.
Paul Nolette, Multistate Actions and Settlements, (Links to an external site.)
7.3. Texas AG Ken Paxton tried to indict Travis Countyâs elections chief | The Texas Tribune, December 20, 2021
7.4. Jason Lynch, Federalism, Separation of Powers, and the Role of State Attorneys General in Multistate Litigation, 101 Colum. L. Rev. 1998 (2001) (edited)
Jason Lynch, Federalism, Separation of Powers, and the Role of State Attorneys General in Multistate Litigation, 101 Colum. L. Rev. 1998 (2001) (edited) (Links to an external site.)
7.5 Examples of multistate consumer fraud enforcement by attorneys general 7.5 Examples of multistate consumer fraud enforcement by attorneys general
These cases are examples of attorney general multistate action. They are easily found in the Nolettte data base.
7.5.1. Baldwin Accord Criticized, New York Times (Feb. 5, 1985)
Baldwin Accord Criticized, New York Times (Feb. 5, 1985) (Links to an external site.)
7.5.2. Thomas A. Schmerling, Stag Hunting with the State AG: Anti-Tobacco Litigation and the Emergence of Cooperation Among State Attorneys General, 25 Law & Policy 429 (2003)
Thomas A. Schmerling, Stag Hunting with the State AG: Anti-Tobacco Litigation and the Emergence of Cooperation Among State Attorneys General, 25 Law & Policy 429 (2003) (Links to an external site.)
Original (requires access): https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/j.0265-8240.2003.00158.x
7.5.3. DIRECTV Settlements Articles (1998, 2005, 2010)
DIRECTV Settlements Articles (1998, 2005, 2010) (Links to an external site.)
DIRECT TV settles with Idaho, 30 other states, Lewiston Tribune, Jan. 22, 1998
- Original: https://lmtribune.com/northwest/directv-settles-with-idaho-30-other-states/article_4c406a9c-5e17-5488-9790-466f5b1120a0.html
- Archival: https://perma.cc/9FRB-K8G9
DIRECT TV told to reform advertising, Carolina Journal, Dec. 22, 2005
- Original: https://www.carolinajournal.com/news-article/directv-told-to-reform-advertising/
- Archival: https://perma.cc/88SN-5PWN
Consumer Complaints Against DIRECTV lead to $14 million Settlement
- Live but significantly shortened article at: https://www.aol.com/2010/12/14/consumer-complaints-against-directv-lead-to-14-million-settleme/
- Archival: https://perma.cc/54HC-TSJ3
Washington Attorney General’s $1 Million Directv Settlement Sends Clear Signal
- Original: https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/washington-attorney-general-s-1-million-directv-settlement-sends-clear-signal
- Archival: https://perma.cc/LUY6-VYRA
Kentucky Participates in Directv Settlement, Dec 17, 2010
- No link available
7.5.4. Attorney General James Announces $85 Million Multistate Settlement with Honda Over Airbag Failures | New York State Attorney General (Aug. 25, 2020)
New York Attorney General
Aug. 25, 2020
7.5.5. Ct. AG Jepsen Leads Settlement with Career Education Corp. (Jan. 3, 2019) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
State of Connecticut Attorney General
Jan. 3, 2019
AG Release, Leads Settlement with Career Education Corp. (Jan. 3, 2019) (Links to an external site.)
7.5.6. Pa. Attorney General Josh Shapiro and 50 AGs Reach $13.5M Settlement with Pharmaceutical Company for Misleading Marketing of Four Drugs – PA Office of Attorney General, (Dec 20, 2017)
Pennsylvania Attorney General, Dec. 20, 2017
7.5.7. Attorney General Todd Rokita protects Hoosiers by holding big tobacco accountable, April 20, 2022, WBIW
7.6 Supplemental Readings 7.6 Supplemental Readings
7.6.1. Philip Mattera and Anthony Kay Baggaley, Bipartisan Corporate Crime Fighting by the States (2019)
This is a comprehensive report on the impact of state attorney general cases based largely on the data contained in the Nolette database.
Philip Mattera and Anthony Kay Baggaley, Bipartisan Corporate Crime Fighting by the States (2019)