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Materials for First Team Written Assignment -- The Legality of Cost Sharing Reductions Under the ACA
The first team writing assignments, which should be submitted by email to both Professor Jackson and Sam Learner by 8:00 pm on Sunday, January 7th, concerns the legality of Cost Sharing Reductions Under the ACA.
For purposes of this assignment, you should assume that your team is working for the Democratic National Committee. You are part of a larger task force charged with identifying a list of areas in which the Trump Administration has clearly acted outside of established legal precedents, with a view towards providing this list to congressional candidates running in the 2018 election cycle. More particularly, you've been asked to advise the task force whether the Trump Administration's decision to terminate cost-sharing arrangements in October of 2017 belongs on such a list. Please explain your reasoning and, to the extent you recommendation that this action belongs on such a list, please suggestion how this violation of law could be explained to the general public.
While you are welcome to explore the topic more generally, the following materials should provide adequate background on the issues.
Please limit your memorandum to 4 to 5 pages and included a summary of your conclusions in an opening paragraph or two. Please also include the name of all your team members on the memorandum.
Good luck.
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