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Constitutional Law

Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur, Plff. in Err., v. State Board of Health, Louisiana

1. You may do better by reading the syllabus first, the dissent second, and the majority opinion of Justice White last. 

2. As I write this, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is sweeping through almost all of the country. Could Texas close its borders (temporarily) to traffic from other states on grounds that its hospitals are overrun and that adding more people to the population increases the number of persons who could be infected and thereby endanger public health?

3. Notice that, at the time, quarantine regulations were still largely the province of the states. This is still true today, although the Public Health Service Act does give the federal government some power in this area.

4. Although the court makes no mention of it, there was a history of prejudice in New Orleans against Italians. See this article from The History Channel.